Covers reconditioning blocks, degreeing in camshafts, reconditioning cylinder heads, valvetrain assembly, and engine assembly. Provides general tips, techniques, and procedures that form the basis of all engine building. Easy to understand and fully illustrated with hundreds of photos and drawings.
Extracting maximum torque and horsepower from engines is an art as well as a science. Vizard goes into extreme depth and detail for drawing maximum performance from any automotive engine. From the air entering the intake all the way to spent gasses leaving through the exhaust.
This guide offeres the race winning techniques used by today's top professional racing engine builders, from NASCAR to NHRA. Covers cylinder block, bottom end prep, cylinder heads, camshaft and valvetrain, dyno testing, intake manifolds, headers, and a complete blueprinting assembly guide in general terms that can be aplied to any make of engine.
These books contain the best information and latest technology from Reher-Morrison's staff of expert head porters, machinists, and assemblers. We are convinced that these are the best "how-to" racing engine books ever written! This is the book that several colleges recently selected to feature in their race engine technology programs, yet you'll find it easy to read with simple terminology in carefully organized steps.
In this book, expert engine builder and veteran Mike Mavrigian explains and illustrates the most discriminating engine building techniques and performs detailed procedures so the engine is perfectly balanced, matched, and optimized.
This book and the formulas in it apply to all piston powered engines. Walks readers through the complete engine, showcasing methology requiredto define each specific parameter, and how to translate the engineering math to hard measurements reflected in various engine parts.
This book is a quality, step-by-step Workbench Book that shows you how to rebuild a street or racing small block Chevy in your own garage. It includes more than 600 color photos and easy to read text that explains every procedure a professional builder uses to assemble an engine, from crankshaft to carburetor. Detailed sections show how to disassemble an engine, inspect for signs of damage, select replacement parts, buy machine work, check critical component fit, and more!
Step-by-step workbench book and DVD combination shows you how to build a street or racing small-block Chevy. Includes more than 650 photos and easy-to-read text that explains every procedure a professional builder uses to assemble an engine from crankshaft to carburetor. The DVD includes over two hours of coverage showing all the procedures that the book describes.
Renowned engine builder and technical writer David Vizard turns his attention to extracting serious horsepower from small block Chevy engines while doing it on a budget. Included are details of the desirable factory part numbers, easy do-it-yourself cylinder head modifications, inexpensive but effective aftermarket parts, the best blocks, rotating assembly (cranks, rods, and pistons), camshaft selection, lubrication, induction, ignition, exhaust systems and more.
Shows how to build small block Chevy engines for maximum street and racing performance. Includes sections on heads, cams, exhaust systems, induction modifications, dyno-tested engine combinations, and complete engine buildups. Covers the early 265 to the current LS1 350.